PJ11_27 Processed with Free Pipeline

2018-03-02 17:59 UT
Credit : Brian Swift © cc by
Submitted By : BrianSwift
Mission Phase : PERIJOVE 11

JNCE_2018038_11C00027_V01 processed with Juno28g pipeline using default tuning parameters.


“Juno28g”, a JunoCam raw processing pipeline implemented in Mathematica, is available under permissive open source license at https://github.com/BrianSwift/JunoCam

This basic pipeline implements pixel value decompanding, lens geometry correction, equirectangular projection, and assembly of raw frames to a final image. Only a per-channel scaling is applied for color balance, leaving beautification in Photoshop to the user’s artistic interpretation.

Works with MissionJuno website formatted -raw.png and PDS .IMG or .IMG.gz raw image files.

Usable images are produced with the defaults parameters. But the appearance of seams can be reduced by refinement of parameters related to Juno spin rate and JunoCam orientation relative to the spin axis.